
Friday, 2 September 2016


LEARN: We are learning how to write an explanation using the correct structure and language.
-I have a title about what I am explaining.
-I have  written a sentence to define what the topic is. (Introduction)
-I have written sentences to explain how or why, using time linking words (Body)
-I have written a final sentence about my explanation (Conclusion)
R.T: Use Capital letters and Full Stops.

CREATE -Your Task:  To write an explanation on How to throw a shotput, using your flowchart.
Have you ever wondered on how to throw a shot put?
A shot put is a heavy round ball that you push not throw. It is made out of a rubber material
That was built for you to push.

Firstly you place your ball to your neck. make sure that your not pushing it too hard to your
Neck or you will not do it properly.

Then you make sure that your legs and knees are wide apart from each other.(not to far or else you won’t be able to stand up)

Next you bend your back knee on an angle( Make sure that you're doing the steps properly if you ARE NOT it is best to do  these steps again)

Finally slowly lean back (not to far) Turn your head as well as your body and……..PUSH!

That is how throw a shotput this is a very easy task enjoy:)

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