
Thursday, 17 November 2016

we have been learning about animal reports

A seahorse is a small sea creature,with loads of body armour covering its entire body. A seahorse is a actinopterygii. Seahorses are very light and hardly have any bones!

There are over 50 species of seahorse. Seahorses prefer to swim in pairs, with their tales linked together. Seahorses have no exoskeleton unlike other fish, seahorses have bony plates that are held together by their skin

Seahorses feed on plankton, small fish and shrimp. A seahorse has no stomach meaning they need to eat constantly.

The reproduction process starts when a male and female seahorse start doing daily dances. Their tales hook together. Soon the female will begin to lay tiny eggs.

Seahorses are mainly found in the shallow of tropical waters. Four species are found in pacific waters.

When you see a seahorse its best to leave it alone. It has tones of duties to do:)

Friday, 11 November 2016

Pet Day

Whoa! There are so many animals here! I thought to my self. Straight away I rushed to the classroom and started to write "pet day" on the huge white board. Soon I spotted Mrs Craig coming through the door and she whispered "come over here Luke, I've got a job for you." Quickly I tiptoed over to Mrs Craig, I asked "what job do you have for me?" She told me "get an Ipad and take some photos of the animals that people have bought to school." So I did. I was walking around the school taking all sorts of photos of different animals. While I was taking a photo of a lamb the bell rang. "Ding ding ding! Everybody rushed to the court, to do our assembly. After we finished assembly the whole class ran into the classroom to create a pet day writing. After that the bell rang for the second time the whole school lined up in a gigantic circle for the parade of animals. There were reptiles and mammals. What a great day!

Here is a photo of me with my vaseline saucer I made for Pet Day.